Social Justice for the Sensitive Soul

  Guest Author: Mary Y on Living Justly Christians often know that they are called to engage in social issues affecting our world, to be “in the world but not of it” and to impact society for human flourishing in God’s name. However, often what stops us isn’t an...

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A Rich Fool? A Prudent Investor?

In our work at Boston Faith & Justice we often focus on how Christians are called to live simply, to eschew wealth and resist the extractive economy and culture of which we are a part.  In 2024 as we examine the realities and causes of poverty this seems like an...

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Poverty Focus: Learning Together

With plenty of thought and prayer at the end of 2023 the board and staff of Boston Faith & Justice decided we would focus on poverty in 2024. Alongside our community we wanted to learn more about the lived reality of poverty as well as the structures and systems...

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Poverty – A Line in the Sand

The vast majority of Americas have heard of poverty. It is the state of poor people or perhaps even it is or was us or me. The line of who is in poverty and who isn’t often exists unconsciously in our minds. Wherever that division is, we classify people accordingly....

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