Do you thirst? If so, for what reasons?

March 29, 2024
By Ivy

During the final moments of Jesus life, he hung dying on the cross in the scorching sun, beaten, abused, tortured, and thirsty. Not just with a Crown of Thorns adorned on his head, but metal nails fastening his hands and feet to the cross in which he was forced to carry.

Although in pain and agony, facing excruciating (a word which literally translates to “out of the cross”) pain, He didn’t stay silent. He spoke to those around him—strangers, family and friends. He was speaking to you and me in his final hours. This shows us how Jesus has fulfilled His saving mission and sends us forth to follow in His footsteps.

In life, we all face pain and agony, go through trials and tribulations, and have moments or seasons of darkness, feeling betrayed or forsaken. In a world where there seems to be chaos and confusion, injustice every way we turn, we, however, cannot stay silent.

One of Jesus last’ 7 sayings of Jesus on the cross “I thirst” as it is written in John 19:28 shows us that He was fully human and yet still fully divine. He was parched, needing water, in distress, only to receive sour wine in return.

Will we be of those that hear others cry out in need, and not give generously or justly? Whether it is of our time, talents, or treasures, our heart should speak in return, and we shall not stay silent.

Luke 6:45 in the New International Version reads, “A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.”

While the Message translation puts it clearly, “It’s who you are, not what you say and do, that counts. Your true being brims over into true words and deeds.”

It is because of Jesus’ thirst on the cross that He, and only He, can quench the deepest longings of our soul.
During this Holy Week and Easter Season, leading up to Resurrection Sunday, I thirst for the living God, for righteousness, for justice, for generosity, for mercy, for peace, for a world that operates in kindness—what is it that you thirst for, and for what reasons?

May you be encouraged, knowing that Jesus is indeed the Everlasting Water who gives us the opportunity to live a life pleasing unto Him, spreading the good news of the Gospel, His resurrecting power, His forgiving spirit, and His heart for righteousness.

And so I leave you with this prayer, written by Christine Caine, entitled “It is Good News”:

Father, I thank You for the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ. Father, it is good news, it is good news. We just take a moment right now to just thank You. Thank You, Lord Jesus, that You not only died on the cross for our sins, but You rose again from the dead so that we could have a victorious, overcoming, Christian life here on earth as it is in heaven. Father, let everyone walk in the power of that resurrection truth. I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.


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