The time leading up to ringing in the New Year is often a time to look back and consider what has been and to look forward and dream or plan for what is to come. It’s a good practice, not just for December 31st but in general. Since we are edging up to 12/31/22 we (Ivy, Maeve and I) thought we’d take some time to share some of our reflections and resolutions.
What is a favorite memory or moment from 2022?
Maeve: My favorite moment from 2022 was getting engaged! My fiancé and I are high school sweethearts and we have been together since we were 16. We got engaged on December 19th just in time for Christmas and I have enjoyed getting to celebrate with friends and family.
Elizabeth: I don’t know if this is cheating but I am going to share 2. First, my family and I traveled to CA to see the Redwoods. This is something I have wanted to do for a long time. I am so thankful we were able to do it. They were amazing and my daughters (teenagers) only complained a little about being dragged around to see “another tree?!?” Second, this past semester (I am pursuing a Masters of Theology at BU School of Theology) I LOVED my classes and learned SO much. I have enjoyed most (not quite all) of my classes but this semester was just especially great!
Ivy: I too may be cheating, and will share two as Elizabeth did. One of my greatest memories was celebrating my 30th birthday in Isla Mujeres, Mexico with my fiancé, Jonathan. I have wanted to go away for my birthday for many years and haven’t been able to due to funds, medical issues, or …Covid. However, God certainly had something up His sleeve, and allowed my 30th birthday to be one of the most memorable ones yet. My fiancé treated me like a Queen! The second thing that I share were moments, where on the third Wednesday of each month, I facilitated a Bible study for my church on the Book of Proverbs. Spending these moments surrounded by an intimate group of church family was very special, not only being able to teach others about the Word of God, but to learn from others and grow deeper in Godly wisdom.
Do you have a new year’s resolution going into 2023?
Maeve: I am not the type to write out resolutions for the new year. Anytime that I attempt to, like telling myself I’m going to go to the gym, it usually doesn’t work out. However, there are two goals I like to set for myself that aren’t the traditional New Year’s resolutions. The first is to set a reading goal. I value the gift of an education and the opportunity to dive into a new book and so this year, my goal is to read 45 books (not including my textbooks for school). Last year I read over 30, so I’m upping it for 2023 and I’m looking forward to engaging in new topics and stretching my mind. The second thing that I am doing to prepare for 2023 is setting a word for the new year. This year, my word is intentionality. My prayer is that I will live up to this by being intentional with my relationships, my work, my words, my faith, and in every other area of my life.
Elizabeth: I tend to find myself more apt toward resolutions around birthdays – figuring that’s a new year for me. But this time of year I do often think about the ways I would like to grow as a human and sometimes I resolve to take some steps around these thoughts of growth. I remember one word I brought into 2020 was curiosity. Being curious is something I really value and I thought to be more intentional about that in 2020. Of course the word for 2020 (and 2021) became SURVIVE instead. So I will resolve once again to cultivate curiosity going into the new year.
Ivy: New Year’s resolutions never work out well for me. This year I have grown so much, personally, professionally and spiritually and feel as though why set something to begin tomorrow (or in this case the New Year) when you can start now! However, one thing I am being intentional about is continuing to heal from traumas, setting boundaries and protecting my peace, and honoring the Sabbath. This year has been full of busy seasons, and I want to make sure all of the hats I am wearing are well balanced! So organization and time management is my focus, starting most importantly with the time that I spend with God.
What is something you are excited about for the upcoming year?
Maeve: Going along with my answer to the first question, I am so excited to be getting married at the end of 2023! Additionally, I am looking forward to some of the cool academic opportunities I have planned for the next year including writing a senior thesis, Model United Nations, and spending my fall semester studying and interning in Washington D.C. It’s going to be a packed but rewarding year!
Elizabeth: Graduations! My oldest daughter will be graduating from highschool and I will be graduating from BU with my Masters in Theology. Yay! Also I am excited for a year at BFJN where we have a new strategic plan, I work with two amazing women of vision and passion and mission feels more important than ever!
Ivy: I am so incredibly excited to be getting married in June of 2023. Planning my wedding with my fiancé has been a joy. Making this covenant before God is something that we take very seriously, and it will be a very sacred moment for us both. We are breaking the generational curses of divorce in our families, and I am so thankful that we have kept God at the forefront of our relationship to make that possible. I also am looking forward to the second session of Duke Divinity’s Foundations of Christian Leadership program (more on that to come in the next blog) and receiving my Graduate Certificate in Ministry from Virginia Bible College in the spring! To God be all the glory, honor and praise.