Justice and the character of God

Justice and the character of God Christians reflect the image of God, in part, by loving our neighbors. We are compelled to extend grace and mercy, because loving and giving grace are central aspects of who God is. And we are also called to do justice, because doing...

Ending Extreme poverty in 2030

Ending Extreme poverty in 2030 The number of people living in extreme poverty – $1.25 per person per day — was cut in half from 1990 to 2010. Although some have attributed this success largely to rapid economic growth in some of the world’s largest countries, there...

Ethical Investing

Ethical Investing Investing, for people without a full time adviser or a million dollar portfolio, often involves checking a box at work and sending money into a 401K, an IRA or similar vehicle for retirement. Most of us have no idea what companies our money is...

Digital Storytelling Project

Digital Storytelling Project A story communicates fear, hope, anxiety, and because we can feel it, we get the moral not just as a concept, but as a teaching of our hearts. That’s the power of story. —Marshall Ganz, “Why Stories Matter,” Sojourners Magazine, March...

The Model for Action

The Model for Action It is easy to become paralyzed by the enormity of suffering across the globe and our God-given call to do something about that suffering. We fail to act not because we don’t care but because we don’t know the best way to effect change. BFJN’s goal...